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[[File:OphiuchusCC.jpg|thumb|Ophiuchus Constellation]]
[[File:Opiuchus1313.png|thumb|Ophiuchus (artwork by Sequoia)]]
The constellation [[Ophiuchus]] is known as the "Serpent Holder" and sits 180 degrees across from the Orion constellation (Osiris). So this means that the sign directly opposite in the sky from Ophiuchus is Orion. Ophiuchus sits in the general direction towards the galactic center of our Milky Way galaxy. The ancients called this circuit path made around the galactic equator, the Gate of the Gods or The Golden Gate. The Orion constellation sits in the opposite direction, which would be considered the anti-galactic center. The ancients called this circuit path the Gate of Man or The Silver Gate. [[Ophiuchus]] and Orion are mirror images of opposing polarity. Together, they represent the ascending path through the Gate of Man meeting at the Gate of the Gods. The many [[Ascension Stages]] we endure to reach our spiritual [[Magnum Opus]], are the stages of humanity moving through these sequences of consciousness gateways.

During the move into [[Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy]], it is positive to review the [[Natural Laws]] and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.
We begin with the transmissions coming through the constellation of [[Ophiuchus]]. There is much controversy over Ophiuchus’ status as a relevant astrological zodiac sign. However, it is incredibly relevant in the transmission of new frequencies that are occurring as we pass through this thirteenth ecliptical constellation this month. The [[Ecliptic]] is the path of the Sun's annual motion relative to the constellations of stars. This is the circuit on which the Sun progresses through the heavens during its twelve month cycle.

The zodiac structural principles are both energetic and geometric which are being aligned to the Alchemical Laws of God hosted by the [[Krystal Star]]. The Earth’s [[Magnetosphere]] and the Solar System’s heliosphere are getting exponentially weaker. These alterations to the magnetic field allow an increasing saturation of cosmic rays into our inner solar system.  The progression through the [[Magnum Opus]] (see March 2014 newsletter) or the [[Galactic Zodiac|13 constellation activations]] in this 12 month cycle, each bring in an Alchemical Law. We are moving through specific Laws of Alchemy located in the [[Ophiuchus]] constellation activation. This quality of Silver-Gold frequency is being transmitted to our Sun and planetary body for the first time. Through the Silver Ray dissolving into the Golden Gate, the returning of the Spirit to the center of Unity or the process of inner Unification is activated as a Law.
* '''Stage 9 [[Ophiuchus]], November 30 to December 17'''<ref>Sidereal System: IAU (International Astronomical Union)</ref>
* Alchemical Theme: Cosmic Trine Unification, Synthesis, Wound Healing
* Element: The Holy Grail; [[Divine Fire Water]], Ocean of Milk, [[Silver Seed]], Amrita, Aether
* Geometric Form: [[Krystal Star of Azoth]], [[Saraswati-Ma|Saraswati]] Swan Yantra
* Planetary Correlations: [[Chiron]], [[Uranus]] and [[Golden Gate]]
* Alchemical Metals: [[Copper Rose Gold Sun|Copper-Rose-Gold]]
* Embodied Correlations: The [[Keriatric Mind|Keriatric or Causal Mind]] of Monadic Body. Where Waves Become Matter. The 9D Silver wave of the third layer of the [[Monad]]ic Matrix that is connected to the [[Atomic Doorway]] of the [[Mouth of God]], the 9th Chakra at the base of the skull connected to the [[Medulla Oblongata]].
* Ophiuchus rules: [[Fetal Cells]], tailbone, cranial sacral axis, [[Solar Sacrum]], [[Kundalini]], amrita, [[Lyden Gland]], base of brain (i.e. golden chalice), and lunar to solar transfiguration.

During Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy, this phase is the solar alignment with the Cosmic Aether which is at the core of the Galactic Center, and represents the pouring of the magical healing spiritual waters into the Earth and humanity, the gift from [[Cosmic Mother]]. Previously, these spiritual living waters were corrupted by entrapping the [[Holy Mother]] principle and inverting her offspring, the [[Gold Ray]] Seraphim through the knowledge stolen by the coveting Serpent. Hence, Ophiuchus is also the symbol for the Fallen Angel seeking redemption. This is why this constellation is both ruled by the [[GEG|Golden Eagle]] spirit and the Snake as the traitorous serpent that led to the Fall. During the [[Ascension Cycle]] this constellation is returning to its original [[Sacred Geometry]], to represent the [[Six Pointed Star|union of all polarity]], preparing for the [[Sacred Marriage]] between the male and female, as the perfected diamond sun blueprint for energetic balance and harmony. Through the transformation and casting out of shadows, embodiment of this energetic balance seats into perfected unity, and in the upcoming [[Pisces]] cycle, the knowledge and wisdom that was forgotten is given back to the truth seeker. Therefore, in its highest expression this constellation represents the return of spiritual knowledge found within the potentials of the diamond sun blueprint that holds the [[Heroic Probability]] of divine perfection that exists within a Human Being. It also represents the pending birth of the [[Christ Child]] as it is growing within the womb of the Divine Mother. The Christ Child is one with all things and has no opposite. It is capable of healing all human wounds and amplifies spiritual healing during this cycle. Also, it connects to the restoration of the geometric configurations of the symbol Phi and the reemerging [[Christos-Sophia|Sophia]] through the [[Sapphire Solar Star]] and [[10th Stargate Network|10th Gate]].  <ref>[Magnum Opus 2014]</ref> <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3941-ophiuchus-solar-alchemy Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy]</ref>
==Harmonization and Healing Themes==
Creatrix connectivity, Pure Transparent Crystalline Light, Divine Mother and the cleansing power of cosmic love, recoding the DNA, Aligning to the cosmic heart of Lyra in Andromedan Universal Center and The [[Aurora Re-encryption]] latticeworks, Rebirthing, Cleansing the blood, breath, and [[Mitochondria]]. Purification of past traumas. recollecting memories from alternate timelines and resurrecting harmony to the monadic station of identity and resonating into embodiment stages of the christ-sophia blueprint, energy-architecture, and flows of living unity. Clearing connections to [[The Silver Gate]] system and wave spectrum of the metatronic and nephilim mind. Releasing hybridzation and galactic war trauma, removal of [[Victim-Victimizer]] archontic deception mind programming. Preparation for integration of the solar mind [[RA Center|RA consciousness]]. Activation of triwave geomantic reconfigrations.
The constellation Ophiuchus is known as the Serpent Holder and sits opposite or 180 degrees across from the Orion constellation representing [[Osiris]], the Egyptian god of the afterlife and rebirth. The [[Orion (Constellation)|Orion constellation]] sits in the opposite direction on the celestial sphere, which is not directly positioned at the galactic anticenter, but it is located relatively close to it. The galactic anticenter actually falls within the constellation [[Taurus]], near the bright star Elnath, which is situated above Orion.
According to myth, Ophiuchus represents the mythological doctor Asclepius, son of [[Apollo]], who was said to have the ability to bring the dead back to life when granted a magical healing elixir by the Golden Olympian goddess [[Athena]]. This potion was said to be made from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa, and held the power to heal any ailment and even revive the dead. With this astonishing gift, Ophiuchus uses the healing elixir to bring Orion back to life, and thus became renowned for his extraordinary healing abilities, earning him the title of the founder of medicine. Although many of us are well aware of the disturbing corruption behind the hijack of the [[Global Health Mafia|global medical system]], the [[Rod of Asclepius]], a snake-entwined staff similar to the [[Caduceus]], remains the symbol of medicine today. In this context, Ophiuchus returns his authentic presence during the Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy to dispense the universal remedy and panacea, the true magical healing elixirs gifted by the Solar Goddess Athena in order to help assist humanity in healing their deepest and most painful spiritual wounds.
[[Ophiuchus and Orion]] are mirror images of opposing polarity in the sky representing the emergent spiritual path of collective humanity, ultimately destined to achieve spiritual ascension and consciousness liberation from this [[Prison Planet]] and solar system at the end of the Dark Cycle. The ancients called this circuit path made around the galactic equator, the [[Gate of the Gods]] or [[The Golden Gate]]. Together, they represent the circuitous path of the immortal spiritual being and fallen angels emerging through the Silver Gate of Man from the [[Fall of Tara]], wearing the collective consciousness archetypes of Orion’s fractured and hijacked solar body parts as the result of the [[Orion Wars]]. While incarnating onto this lowest density plane, they are tasked with reassembling the original diamond sun DNA records that were lost, by embodying them into the matter world as individualized human beings in order to achieve spiritual liberation through Christ Consciousness. To awaken and remember their hidden origins as multidimensional spiritual beings born under [[Two Suns]], and gain the required spiritual lessons from the extremely polarized consciousness experiences happening as the planet endures a great Galactic War over consciousness, as the spiritual war rages between the original [[Christos]] races and the invading antichrist entities. The tour of duty around the galactic ecliptic was accepted by aspiring [[Starseed]]s and [[Indigo]]s to gain the unusual window of opportunity during the Ascension cycle to skip forward in the timelines. During this sliver in time, they would have the chance to attain integrated spiritual healing for their entire soul and spiritual families, which when completed, would liberate them from the mind control under the NAA’s Orion Empire, and finally return them back to their original spiritual home in the God worlds.
As the immortal spirits travel the spiritual ascension path through the precession of equinoxes during the [[Magnum Opus]] stage of the [[Ascension Cycle]], they are given the choice to learn what is required in order to activate their divine blueprint during the Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy. Moving them forward in order to fulfill their highest spiritual consciousness potential, to complete their Great Work, the integrative healing of the Universal Shadow transmuted over many lifetimes. Whereby meeting their final destination at the Gate of Gods during the arduous process of [[Solar Symbiosis]], transforming their consciousness to prepare for spiritual completion, effectively synthesizing and healing all of their historical spiritual wounds and fractured parts, bringing them into a coherent and unified wholeness.
The many [[Ascension Stages]] we endure to reach our personal spiritual Magnum Opus, are the phases that all of humanity is moving through as sequences of consciousness gateways showing up in our lives that are being energetically represented in the subtle influences transmitted from the constellations of stars.
This takes our consciousness through the stair step of dimensional realms moving through the ecliptic path of the [[Gate of Man]] or the Silver Gate to eventually complete the evolutionary cycle of twelve timelines unifying into one organic ascension timeline, which intersects at the Galactic Center. Once we unify the many lifetimes of the stations of identity within our spiritual families having consciousness experiences travelling through the Gate of Man by intersecting with the [[Galactic Equator]] positioned at Ophiuchus’ feet, we are potentially given access to drink the magical healing elixir of eternal life. These are the magical Elaysian living waters of the eternal fountain of youth that are made famous in many storybook tales as the source fountain of the holy grail. The Azothian divine fire water flows of the Holiest Spirits that are embodied by the [[Cosmic Mother]]’s representatives as [[Triple Solar Goddess]]es, the sophianic bearers of the Holy Grail that are found at the intersection of [[The Golden Gate]]. The enduring love we have inside our crystal hearts for the Holy Mother allows us to proceed on the ascension path to become resurrected into eternal spiritual beings of the sacred [[Kryst-Krystallah]]. From her ancient Emerald and [[White Diamond Elohei|White Diamond Heart]], flows the Elaysian Living Waters that are unified with the [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] of the Universal Mother of Life.  From our solar system the Galactic Center lies visually along a line that passes through The Golden Gate, the doorway leading out of the Solar System and into Eternal Life which pours out the Universal Elixir of the [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] that opens during the end of Precession Cycles.
Thus, during the move into [[Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy]], it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the Ophiuchus solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.
==Ophiuchus is the Trine Unifier==
In addition, with the [[Ophiuchus]] transmissions the Azothian flows of the [[Divine Fire Water]] element acts as the trine and unifier between each of the squares in the combinations of four constellation groupings that make up the cardinal signs, fixed signs and mutable signs. In the previous cycles, the spiritual blueprint of humanity included many squares and oppositions in the birth imprint carrying [[Lunar Matrix|lunar distortions]] from certain planetary or constellation conjunctions that generated disharmony, discordance and distress. These oppositional forces connected to lunar demons placed limitations upon the spirit, and resulted in a variety of spiritual oppressions, miasmatic patterns and superimposed karmic burdens. It is similar to say that squares, oppositions and limitations that are recorded in the geometries of the spiritual blueprint can be understood in the birth chart, and are the result of the consequences of actions, unlearned lessons, spiritual purpose and the debts of destiny that have been carried throughout multiple lifetimes. The planetary body also has its own [[Blueprint]] that is made up from the historical root races and collective consciousness records of humanity, so when incarnating into a timeline on the Earth, we are also imprinted with the karmic burdens of the [[Collective Consciousness]] imprint at the time of incarnation.
It is also accurate to say that the NAA’s [[SSP|Secret Space Program]] civilizations had exerted control over aspects of the twelve constellation transmissions, which resulted in generating even more extreme negative polarities in the world of forces, in order to achieve their intended objective of using [[Victim-Victimizer]] [[Red Trident|AI red wave control]] over matter forms. They intended to radically increase [[Black Subtle Forces]] by directing excessive negative polarity aspects of the constellation archetypes as implanted thoughts, in order to influence humanity into the negative polarity and to use planetary dark matter for running [[AI]] machinery.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3274-bio-spiritual-harvesting Bio-Spiritual Harvesting]</ref>
==Law of Transcendence==
* Astrological Correspondence:[[Ophiuchus]] – [[Chiron]], [[Uranus]] - [[Divine Fire Water]] – [[The Golden Gate]]
* [[Chakra]] and Sphere 9, Keriatric or Causal Mind of [[Monad]]ic Body
Through the pursuit of enlightenment and the result of the awakened consciousness, the [[Ego-Personality]] loses dominance and we begin to recognize the flow of the divine, the spirit that exists within everything. We naturally choose to consciously participate in co-creating with the spirit of God Source, in order to generate more goodness for everyone on the earth. The [[Law of Transcendence]] is the moment we experience the sacred vibration of love as omnipresent; we feel the mind of God permeating our mind, and we are able to grasp Universal Knowledge beyond the state of reasoning, without the assistance of the current human belief systems. Through our inner state of heightening the superconsciousness experience, we gain direct knowing from perfect concentration and [[Meditation]], and the alignment to the greater purpose of divine will is known and that knowledge supersedes all self pre-occupation and personal desires. Through transcendence of the earthly personality, we become aware of our consciousness power to understand the operation of general causes and effects, observing the [[Natural Laws]] in action, focused on the consciousness direction of attaining truth, virtue-ethics, [[Strong Moral Character|moral character]] and communing with the [[Spirits of Christ]]. During the [[Law of Transcendence]], is the moment we embody the greater truth and realization of our inner spiritual being, knowing our purpose, experiencing our relationship to the God creator, and in the face of this truth, we give up everything so that we can receive something of much, much greater value. The Law of Transcendence removes the veils of light and time, to experience true unity with God, and to experience the interconnection that exists in all things. The truth of our purpose is revealed to us, we see the laws in creation and we are filled with awe at the magnificence and beauty of God’s natural creation.
==Physiology Correlated to the Galactic Zodiac==
[[File:Physiology-Correlated-to-the-Galactic-Zodiac.jpg|thumb|Physiology Correlated to Galactic Zodiac]]

* [[Ophiuchus]] – fetal cells, tailbone, cranial sacral axis, solar sacrum, kundalini, amrita, lyden gland, base of brain (golden chalice), lunar to solar transfiguration.



==See Also:==
==See Also==

[[Orion Group]]
[[Zodiac Alteration]]

[[Galactic Wars]]
[[Laws of the Galactic Zodiac Cycle]]

[[Archontic Deception Behavior]]

[[Category: Ascension]][[Category: Newsletter]]
[[category:Ascension]][[category:Newsletter]][[category:HGS Manual]]

Latest revision as of 04:29, 7 February 2025

Ophiuchus (artwork by Sequoia)

During the move into Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the Natural Laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.


During Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy, this phase is the solar alignment with the Cosmic Aether which is at the core of the Galactic Center, and represents the pouring of the magical healing spiritual waters into the Earth and humanity, the gift from Cosmic Mother. Previously, these spiritual living waters were corrupted by entrapping the Holy Mother principle and inverting her offspring, the Gold Ray Seraphim through the knowledge stolen by the coveting Serpent. Hence, Ophiuchus is also the symbol for the Fallen Angel seeking redemption. This is why this constellation is both ruled by the Golden Eagle spirit and the Snake as the traitorous serpent that led to the Fall. During the Ascension Cycle this constellation is returning to its original Sacred Geometry, to represent the union of all polarity, preparing for the Sacred Marriage between the male and female, as the perfected diamond sun blueprint for energetic balance and harmony. Through the transformation and casting out of shadows, embodiment of this energetic balance seats into perfected unity, and in the upcoming Pisces cycle, the knowledge and wisdom that was forgotten is given back to the truth seeker. Therefore, in its highest expression this constellation represents the return of spiritual knowledge found within the potentials of the diamond sun blueprint that holds the Heroic Probability of divine perfection that exists within a Human Being. It also represents the pending birth of the Christ Child as it is growing within the womb of the Divine Mother. The Christ Child is one with all things and has no opposite. It is capable of healing all human wounds and amplifies spiritual healing during this cycle. Also, it connects to the restoration of the geometric configurations of the symbol Phi and the reemerging Sophia through the Sapphire Solar Star and 10th Gate. [2] [3]

Harmonization and Healing Themes

Creatrix connectivity, Pure Transparent Crystalline Light, Divine Mother and the cleansing power of cosmic love, recoding the DNA, Aligning to the cosmic heart of Lyra in Andromedan Universal Center and The Aurora Re-encryption latticeworks, Rebirthing, Cleansing the blood, breath, and Mitochondria. Purification of past traumas. recollecting memories from alternate timelines and resurrecting harmony to the monadic station of identity and resonating into embodiment stages of the christ-sophia blueprint, energy-architecture, and flows of living unity. Clearing connections to The Silver Gate system and wave spectrum of the metatronic and nephilim mind. Releasing hybridzation and galactic war trauma, removal of Victim-Victimizer archontic deception mind programming. Preparation for integration of the solar mind RA consciousness. Activation of triwave geomantic reconfigrations.


The constellation Ophiuchus is known as the Serpent Holder and sits opposite or 180 degrees across from the Orion constellation representing Osiris, the Egyptian god of the afterlife and rebirth. The Orion constellation sits in the opposite direction on the celestial sphere, which is not directly positioned at the galactic anticenter, but it is located relatively close to it. The galactic anticenter actually falls within the constellation Taurus, near the bright star Elnath, which is situated above Orion.

According to myth, Ophiuchus represents the mythological doctor Asclepius, son of Apollo, who was said to have the ability to bring the dead back to life when granted a magical healing elixir by the Golden Olympian goddess Athena. This potion was said to be made from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa, and held the power to heal any ailment and even revive the dead. With this astonishing gift, Ophiuchus uses the healing elixir to bring Orion back to life, and thus became renowned for his extraordinary healing abilities, earning him the title of the founder of medicine. Although many of us are well aware of the disturbing corruption behind the hijack of the global medical system, the Rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff similar to the Caduceus, remains the symbol of medicine today. In this context, Ophiuchus returns his authentic presence during the Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy to dispense the universal remedy and panacea, the true magical healing elixirs gifted by the Solar Goddess Athena in order to help assist humanity in healing their deepest and most painful spiritual wounds.

Ophiuchus and Orion are mirror images of opposing polarity in the sky representing the emergent spiritual path of collective humanity, ultimately destined to achieve spiritual ascension and consciousness liberation from this Prison Planet and solar system at the end of the Dark Cycle. The ancients called this circuit path made around the galactic equator, the Gate of the Gods or The Golden Gate. Together, they represent the circuitous path of the immortal spiritual being and fallen angels emerging through the Silver Gate of Man from the Fall of Tara, wearing the collective consciousness archetypes of Orion’s fractured and hijacked solar body parts as the result of the Orion Wars. While incarnating onto this lowest density plane, they are tasked with reassembling the original diamond sun DNA records that were lost, by embodying them into the matter world as individualized human beings in order to achieve spiritual liberation through Christ Consciousness. To awaken and remember their hidden origins as multidimensional spiritual beings born under Two Suns, and gain the required spiritual lessons from the extremely polarized consciousness experiences happening as the planet endures a great Galactic War over consciousness, as the spiritual war rages between the original Christos races and the invading antichrist entities. The tour of duty around the galactic ecliptic was accepted by aspiring Starseeds and Indigos to gain the unusual window of opportunity during the Ascension cycle to skip forward in the timelines. During this sliver in time, they would have the chance to attain integrated spiritual healing for their entire soul and spiritual families, which when completed, would liberate them from the mind control under the NAA’s Orion Empire, and finally return them back to their original spiritual home in the God worlds.

As the immortal spirits travel the spiritual ascension path through the precession of equinoxes during the Magnum Opus stage of the Ascension Cycle, they are given the choice to learn what is required in order to activate their divine blueprint during the Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy. Moving them forward in order to fulfill their highest spiritual consciousness potential, to complete their Great Work, the integrative healing of the Universal Shadow transmuted over many lifetimes. Whereby meeting their final destination at the Gate of Gods during the arduous process of Solar Symbiosis, transforming their consciousness to prepare for spiritual completion, effectively synthesizing and healing all of their historical spiritual wounds and fractured parts, bringing them into a coherent and unified wholeness.

The many Ascension Stages we endure to reach our personal spiritual Magnum Opus, are the phases that all of humanity is moving through as sequences of consciousness gateways showing up in our lives that are being energetically represented in the subtle influences transmitted from the constellations of stars.

This takes our consciousness through the stair step of dimensional realms moving through the ecliptic path of the Gate of Man or the Silver Gate to eventually complete the evolutionary cycle of twelve timelines unifying into one organic ascension timeline, which intersects at the Galactic Center. Once we unify the many lifetimes of the stations of identity within our spiritual families having consciousness experiences travelling through the Gate of Man by intersecting with the Galactic Equator positioned at Ophiuchus’ feet, we are potentially given access to drink the magical healing elixir of eternal life. These are the magical Elaysian living waters of the eternal fountain of youth that are made famous in many storybook tales as the source fountain of the holy grail. The Azothian divine fire water flows of the Holiest Spirits that are embodied by the Cosmic Mother’s representatives as Triple Solar Goddesses, the sophianic bearers of the Holy Grail that are found at the intersection of The Golden Gate. The enduring love we have inside our crystal hearts for the Holy Mother allows us to proceed on the ascension path to become resurrected into eternal spiritual beings of the sacred Kryst-Krystallah. From her ancient Emerald and White Diamond Heart, flows the Elaysian Living Waters that are unified with the Cosmic Spirit Body of the Universal Mother of Life. From our solar system the Galactic Center lies visually along a line that passes through The Golden Gate, the doorway leading out of the Solar System and into Eternal Life which pours out the Universal Elixir of the Cosmic Spirit Body that opens during the end of Precession Cycles.

Thus, during the move into Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the Ophiuchus solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.

Ophiuchus is the Trine Unifier

In addition, with the Ophiuchus transmissions the Azothian flows of the Divine Fire Water element acts as the trine and unifier between each of the squares in the combinations of four constellation groupings that make up the cardinal signs, fixed signs and mutable signs. In the previous cycles, the spiritual blueprint of humanity included many squares and oppositions in the birth imprint carrying lunar distortions from certain planetary or constellation conjunctions that generated disharmony, discordance and distress. These oppositional forces connected to lunar demons placed limitations upon the spirit, and resulted in a variety of spiritual oppressions, miasmatic patterns and superimposed karmic burdens. It is similar to say that squares, oppositions and limitations that are recorded in the geometries of the spiritual blueprint can be understood in the birth chart, and are the result of the consequences of actions, unlearned lessons, spiritual purpose and the debts of destiny that have been carried throughout multiple lifetimes. The planetary body also has its own Blueprint that is made up from the historical root races and collective consciousness records of humanity, so when incarnating into a timeline on the Earth, we are also imprinted with the karmic burdens of the Collective Consciousness imprint at the time of incarnation.

It is also accurate to say that the NAA’s Secret Space Program civilizations had exerted control over aspects of the twelve constellation transmissions, which resulted in generating even more extreme negative polarities in the world of forces, in order to achieve their intended objective of using Victim-Victimizer AI red wave control over matter forms. They intended to radically increase Black Subtle Forces by directing excessive negative polarity aspects of the constellation archetypes as implanted thoughts, in order to influence humanity into the negative polarity and to use planetary dark matter for running AI machinery.[4]

Law of Transcendence

Through the pursuit of enlightenment and the result of the awakened consciousness, the Ego-Personality loses dominance and we begin to recognize the flow of the divine, the spirit that exists within everything. We naturally choose to consciously participate in co-creating with the spirit of God Source, in order to generate more goodness for everyone on the earth. The Law of Transcendence is the moment we experience the sacred vibration of love as omnipresent; we feel the mind of God permeating our mind, and we are able to grasp Universal Knowledge beyond the state of reasoning, without the assistance of the current human belief systems. Through our inner state of heightening the superconsciousness experience, we gain direct knowing from perfect concentration and Meditation, and the alignment to the greater purpose of divine will is known and that knowledge supersedes all self pre-occupation and personal desires. Through transcendence of the earthly personality, we become aware of our consciousness power to understand the operation of general causes and effects, observing the Natural Laws in action, focused on the consciousness direction of attaining truth, virtue-ethics, moral character and communing with the Spirits of Christ. During the Law of Transcendence, is the moment we embody the greater truth and realization of our inner spiritual being, knowing our purpose, experiencing our relationship to the God creator, and in the face of this truth, we give up everything so that we can receive something of much, much greater value. The Law of Transcendence removes the veils of light and time, to experience true unity with God, and to experience the interconnection that exists in all things. The truth of our purpose is revealed to us, we see the laws in creation and we are filled with awe at the magnificence and beauty of God’s natural creation.

Physiology Correlated to the Galactic Zodiac

Physiology Correlated to Galactic Zodiac
  • Ophiuchus – fetal cells, tailbone, cranial sacral axis, solar sacrum, kundalini, amrita, lyden gland, base of brain (golden chalice), lunar to solar transfiguration.


  1. Sidereal System: IAU (International Astronomical Union)
  2. [Magnum Opus 2014]
  3. Ophiuchus Solar Alchemy
  4. Bio-Spiritual Harvesting

See Also

Zodiac Alteration

Laws of the Galactic Zodiac Cycle