Heavenly Waters of Delphinus, Equuleus, Eridanus, Piscis Austrinus, Carina
HGS Session dedicated to the purposes of the Krystal Star Host for :
- Clearing of the Heavenly Waters of Delphinus, Equuleus, Eridanus, Piscis Austrinus, Carina, Puppis, Vela, Pyxis, Columba, and additionally Aquarius, and Aries and links into:
- Black Sea, 43.4ºN, 35.5ºE (off the coast of Turkey)
- Arabian Sea, 19ºN, 59ºE (near the coast of Oman)
- Gulf of Aden, 11ºN, 44ºE
- Canopus, Egypt 31.2ºN, 30.1ºE (on the outskirts of Modern day Alexandria).
- These constellations are associated with the former constellation Argo Navis, which was divided into 3 parts or three crosses or three bodies: physical, soul and monad.
- New Identity Challenge names from this session:
- Cituzi
- Crestafire
- Einnemann
- Naseem
- Nezeri
- Olfatha
- Rothschild
Alien Implant Extractions
- Alien Brands, Symbols and Sigils
- Patriarchal Domination Hive Mind - Carry Out Orders , Fear of Punishment/Pain, Terrorist* Fear or Phobia Trauma Memories / Genetic or Galactic Race Memory - Brotherhood of Snake/Atlantian -Black Suns Regressive
- Damaged DNA
- Victim-Victimizer
- Victim of Trauma
- Enforcer of Victimization
- Empathic to Family Member
- Enforced Murdering
- Victimizer of Trauma
- Empathic to Other’s Trauma
- Empathic to Human Race
- Enforced Raping
- Abuser Patterns
Zodiac and Planets
- Aquarius : Uranus ( I Know )
- Pisces : Neptune ( I Believe)
- Aries : Mars ( I Am )
- Gemini (Constellation) : Mercury ( I Think )
- Cancer (Constellation) : Moon ( I Feel )
- Libra: Chiron ( I Balance )
- Scorpius : Pluto ( I Create )
- Ophiuchus : Azoth ( I Become )
- Hidden Planets : ___________
Challenge Identity
Evictions from D10 for city of Canopus:Challenge Identity - Amaymon, Behemoth, Belmnato, Bethista, Chizeweth, Ciofalau, Circy, Daimunai, Diuduhiu, Diumante, Diuniah, Fintura, Getaque, Hale, Hausterman, Housener, Iorius, Ithaca, Kiusawa, Lamodi, Landas, Mamdau, Neparus, Nigestori, Phaal, Plantagenet, Staphifina, Tayvadu, Thiya, Tweinry, Umat, Waydilter, Xiron, Yithia
Symmetry, Proportion and Ratios (Magic Cube)
- Father’s Magic Cube 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 15 = 45
- Magic Cube 3 6 9
- 1 --- 4 --- 7 = 12 (3)
- 2 --- 5 --- 8 = 15 (6)
- 3 --- 6 --- 9 = 18 (9)
- Base Tone - Mother: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13
- Overtone - Child: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14
- Resonant Tone - Father: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
Geomantic Corrections for Black Sea
- Geomantic Instruction
- North Celestial Pole
- South Celestial Pole
- Correct Meridian Plane
- Correct Geomantic Mapping
- Silicate Matrix Host Imprint
- Perform Extractions
Challenge Identity Black Sea
- Eviction fro Black Sea 2 D - Amsyy, Ceteri, Chizeweth, Ciofalau, Cinremuwo, Circy, Cituzi, Craik, Crastighou, Crepliiru, Cuofekque, Cukcillium, Eimoth, Favere, Frausteef, Ginuma , Girleques, Gliloque, Housener, Imiphawta, Iorius, Ithaca, Magisterah, Riiotpiam, Teomanuy, Togar, Weithmann
Messier Objects
- Messier 5
- Messier 7
- Messier 10
- Messier 15
- Messier 18
- Messier 23
- Messier 34
- Messier 44
- Messier 50
- Messier 56
- Messier 58
- Messier 63
- Messier 72
- Messier 73
- Messier 82
- Messier 86
- Messier 90
- Messier 101
- Messier 108
Zodiac and Planets
- Aquarius : Uranus ( I Know )
- Pisces : Neptune ( I Believe)
- Aries : Mars ( I Am )
- Cancer (Constellation) : Moon ( I Feel )
- Virgo : Ceres/Earth ( I Analyze )
- Libra : Chiron ( I Balance )
- Scorpius : Pluto ( I Create )
- Ophiuchus : Azoth ( I Become )
- Seven Sacred Planets
- Hidden Planets : _____________
(RRO) Earth Demographic Areas
- East Africa
- North Africa
- West Africa
Locate Latitude, Locate Longitude:
- 19º N, 59º E - Arabian Sea near the coast of Oman
- Arctic Circle
- Guardian Buffer Field
- Europe
- Collect/Collapse Timeline
- Mother Arc Portal
Geomantic Instruction
- Earth Equatorial Plane
- Correct Geomantic Mapping
- Silicate Matrix Host Imprint
- Open Tri-Wave Potential
- Aurora Portals
- g/t Star Logos
Star Logos (Constellation Matrix)
- Andromeda
- Aries
- Cancer (Constellation)
- Carina
- Circinus
- Columba
- Delphinus
- Dorado
- Eridanus
- Hydra
- Piscis Austrinus
- Puppis
- Pyxis
- Scorpius
- Taurus
Geomantic Instruction
- South Celestial Pole
- Correct Holographic Geography
- g/t Platonic Solids
Challenge Identity-Gulf of Aden
- Evictions for Gulf of Aden, 3D: Challenge Identity - Behemoth, Belmnato, Bojoules, Brado, Breiden, Craik, Crestafire, Diuduhiu, Eiforada, Einnemann, Eneiol, Fornax, Hausterman, Heulque, Imiphawta, Mamdau, Masteport, Mensa, Naseem, Nezeri, Nigestori, Ojaise, Olfatha, Pistowa, Rothschild, Tayvadu, Thimnon, Thiya, Umat
Zodiac and Planets (Gulf of Aden)
- Capricornus : Saturn ( I Use )
- Aquarius : Uranus ( I Know )
- Pisces : Neptune ( I Believe)
- Aries : Mars ( I Am )
- Cancer (Constellation) : Moon ( I Feel )
- Leo : Sun ( I Will )
- Virgo : Ceres/Earth ( I Analyze )
- Scorpius : Pluto ( I Create )
- Ophiuchus : Azoth ( I Become )
Geomantic Instruction (Gulf of Aden)
- g/t Star Logos
Star Logos (Constellation Matrix)
- Aquila
- Auriga
- Cancer (Constellation)
- Capricornus
- Cepheus
- Corona Austrina
- Crux
- Eridanus
- Hercules
- Hydra
- Mensa
- Pavo
- Pisces
- Pyxis
- Scorpius
- Triangulum Australe
- Vela
Geomantic Instruction
- Correct Zenith Point
- Krystal Star Coordinate Point
- Four Faces of Man
- Correct Holographic Geography
- g/t Messier Objects
Messier Objects
- Messier 7
- Messier 16
- Messier 23
- Messier 45
- Messier 50
- Messier 58
- Messier 65
- Messier 72
- Messier 74
- Messier 78
- Messier 80
- Messier 90
- Messier 96
- Messier 104
HGS Session References
HGS Sessions - Clearing Heavenly Waters of Delphinus, Equuleus, Eridanus, Piscis Austrinus, Carina - 4/24/2015 [1] HGS Sessions - Clearing Peloponnese Peninsula of Greece - 4/24/2015
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