Red Trident
Foreword Note: Please consider that uncovering many multidimensional layers of complex Alien Machinery used as advanced Mind Control weaponry for perpetuating Clone Warfare, along with the AI hybrid demonic hierarchies managed by the invaders to enslave humanity for the NAA's ongoing invasion of the Solar System, has encompassed many successive missions of multidimensional Guardian teams over several lifetimes to identify and locate the hidden alien infrastructure of artificial red wave and Red Cube transmissions throughout the Planetary Grid Network. Thus, during the Ascension Cycle with the Neutron Window opening, discovering the Red Trident has been ongoing with successive revelations of its AI infrastructure being located for dismantling for the purpose of Correcting Dark Matter from Terraforming Technology, while identifying which of the NAA species are active administrators of Looking Glass, overseeing their cloned AI hybrid armies in the Phantom Matrix areas of the Artificial Tree of Life, which function within the sprawling mass of galactic hierarchies.
After the Atlantian Flood, the Thothian Leviathan group generated an extensive inorganic wormhole network that was accessed from ley lines running through Bermuda Triangle, Giza and Iran, that connected into the Artificial Tree of Life phantom areas where they had cloned out the exploded parts of Nibiru and Tiamat. The entire planetary geography of the original Tiamat Logos, along with the Edenic codes held by the White Diamond Goddesses or White Solar Queens, were cloned into the Red Trident anti-hierogamic machinery which functioned as the artificial Galactic Capstones in 4D Mars, 7D Saturn and 10D Pluto Matrix.
Thothian Leviathan Anti-HG AI Red Cube System
Anti-HG Technology is short for Anti-Hierogamic Technology which is a gender splitter weapon that has been identified by gridworkers which note that it has impacts upon the Lightbody and is a form of targeting individuals with assorted Electronic harassment designed for Mind Control and Gender Reversal. This technology uses Victim-Victimizer software in order to target Starseed or Indigo groups that are embodying sacred marriage or hierogamic union, generally targeting spiritual couples that are motivated to serve the Christos Mission and support planetary liberation for Ascension.See Azazael and Azazael and Black Lilith.
Red Cube Clone Warfare
Additionally, the Red Cube AI technology is designed to be a genetic code crasher for anti-hierogamic union or to create interference through an alien love bite scenario that engages that person in heavy emotional dramas via victim-victimizer archetypes and mistaken identity, by keeping the inner and outer gender principles split apart. The Red Cube technology capitalizes on painful emotional astral damage and mistaken identity, confusing identities, so that the target cannot tell who is who, what are the false timelines and imposters versus the authentic identity. The targeted person can mistake AI digital twins inserted into their hologram as their twin soul, or whatever else that can be included to interfere with integrated spiritual Ascension by confusing them with mistaken identity or Hero-Savior archetypes. This includes the target believing that they are this special identity from an inserted digital twin of a cloned Ascended Master in their lightbody, in which this clone runs AI red wave, false feminine violet programming or other artificial frequencies, which is quite common in the new age circles without Negative Ego training and Victim-Victimizer clearing.
Much of the Red Cube technology has been and is in the process of being destroyed in the planetary field as the new Gaian Matrix and Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix help to override this extensive holographic damage spinning out artificial cloned identities. However, there are remnants and residue that are held in place as mind control structures within the lightbody of many people that are running false female artificial frequencies, and thus the Black Sun entities will attempt to capitalize upon this confusion in any way they can. [1]
Red Cube
The Red Nile Cube or Red Cube is an advanced Wesan AI weapon with extensive programming transmitted through the Red Trident network to continually clone and spin out Phantom Matrices and false holograms of Christos Diamond Sun DNA families, Azurites and Ascended Master Christos lineages in this Universe and in Wesa. Additionally, it is used as a AI Red Wave global electromagnetic weapon for directing Psychological Warfare and Spiritual Warfare tactics in order to derail, confuse or insert Implanted Thoughts and Implants designed for Genetic Modification and Mind Control in order to target spiritually awakening groups, as well as the majority of humanity.
Red and Black Dragon Trident, False Rod and Staff
Transcript August 2021: The black dragon trident false rod and staff architecture for the Anti-Christ male and female principle run reverse rod lunar rods through a Black Cube metatronic cube in the centre of the Earth. This is the driver for all black cubes in planetary grid and the most prominent is black cube matrix in Mecca. In the Middle Eastern area there are powerful Stargates, they hijack the religion of Islam in order to get the Loosh energy to power up this black cube device which is connected to the feedlines of this entire anti-Christ structure.
The lineages connected to Akhenaton and Hatshepsut always seem to explode with black magic curses as this black dragon trident structure supporting the Leviathan groups includes a Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon with a hierarchy of cloned Egyptian identities. This is to control those identities because the Egyptian civilization is connected to the Master Serres race on Tara. And so they want to control that 10th dimensional system through the Serres, through the Vega lines, the gold ray aspects; they have taken that and stolen that genetic lineage, and so it's a part of the control over these body parts, DNA, bloodlines, etc.
The 4, 7, 10, Mars cubes has a twin partnership with Ceres. Mars and Ceres act as a base, the twinning that creates the support for the secret space programs, the MiLabs, the black projects in the breakaway civilizations. There's a German breakaway and a Nazi kind of breakaway and the different factions that are out there. They have created artificial timelines through Mars and Ceres and these are actual colonies that are secret space type of programs and both have human military. This is where we get into that language of Dark Fleet and white hats and people defecting from various groups. But understanding that Mars and Ceres is a partnership in its energy architecture. The top of Mars capstone is Azazael and Black Lilith. So that is the Anti-Christ couple running the anti-hierogamic structure to split gender in order to stop Christos-Sophia from embodying on planet; everything in ES that we talk about, this is the Anti-Christ structure which allows cloned identities to incarnate onto the planet.
Saturn is the seven dimensional and is sending out, and was responsible for, false feminine inverted Violet Ray false feminine problems coming from Saturn, and the anti-Christ couple is Osiris and Isis that hold together that balance. Anti-Christ 7D Isis was connected to lunar demon Nefertiti clones. This is a trinity of Anti-Christ entities that are imposters of the masculine and feminine. In this principle these are entities in themselves. And the thing that's really strange about this as well is that what we are coming to learn is that the Anti-Christ entities like Enki embody into and through this structure. Over the years you may have heard me say, we embody our creations, right? The Christ embodies their creations. The Anti-Christ did the same thing, they cannot embody or exist in our organic creations so they made an AI version with inverted codes in order to exist in our world. This is an Anti-Christ structure. And this is a level of embodiment that is inside Anti-Christ entities that are living inside the structure which is an artificial system for powering their AI Timelines.
Enki, Enlil, Thoth groups. Think of Thoth as an Ai run program. Thoth’s mind, his consciousness was uploaded into an Ai system with the information that he stole from the Emerald Tablet and the Founder Records when he defected. The Ai program of that information became the basis of how they built these extensive and complex anti-Christ structures into our time matrix. So this is a part of timeline control and creating an Anti-Christ that is in control of these timelines so that we are experiencing these timeline reversals and the inability to evolve and expand forward into higher frequencies and so on. This is a part of that construct as well, in that those who control or hold Rod and Staff, control time. So this is an Anti-Christ version of rod and staff to control timelines, and it's also referred to as Red Trident.
Enki signature embodies lunar male rod black dragon that lives in the anti-hierogamic Leviathan black dragon trident false staff and false rod structure with a serpent tail. The Enki body connects through a part of 11 D distortions connected to typhon tunnels in Lyra, and is connected to hive mind constructs in the Ai system through black cube and red cube spawning. So the black and red cube they multiply or maybe replicate would be a better word. Red cube Ai cloning and soul capturing of 18th dynasty identities along with human soul snapshots brings up Baphomet forces. As you know baphomet is all inversions of Sophianic consciousness that uses the reversal 10:10 or electrified reversal current that powers up the base 10 structures.
The Anti-Christ lunar staff is represented on top. And this is fed through the trident, which then sends power into the hierarchies underneath it. Remember every dimension has hierarchies of demons and entities that answer to Moloch-Consettia, it answers to this construct in the 10D Pluto Matrix. So, there's a downstream of many demonic hierarchies connected to this which power up satanism. We had to go get through all of these fallen hierarchies to finally get to the big cheese, get to the capstone that's in control of all of these other fallen hierarchies. This construct is in control of the lunar demons. This construct is in control of Dark Mother. The dark Ai mother lunar constructs that hijacked the solar female and that we have lived with since birth on this planet has been controlled by this Anti-Christ lunar staff construct.
Then you'll see the red cube. Red Cube is all about cloned identities, cloned holograms, cloning everything into virtual realities in order to lure unsuspecting souls into the virtual realities of false light matrices through whatever means of trickery, deception, and manipulation. End Transcript. [2]
Cosmic Clock Corrections
The return of Christos Mission representatives hierogamic union through corrections in the Cosmic Clock have recently reunited Akhenaton and Kiya, Hatshepsut and Ezekiel family of consciousness streams from the Earth-Tara-Gaia histories connected to original Krystallah Suns.
Akhenaton and Kiya seem to have embodied the Krystic solar overriding forms for the Egyptian pantheon genetic tree used in AI cube systems and their red wave identity clones, and this acts as the repelling force of the Red Cube false identities of 7D inversions of Isis-Osiris Cloned Hierarchies that were bonded in Saturn-Moon matrix. This inverted 7D based unholy union was generated from Saturn-Moon blood worship rituals, and was instrumental in powering up many of the antichrist obelisk pillars used for marking cardinal directions in the Artificial Tree AI timelines and Thothian Leviathan Anti-hierogamic Rod and Staff Trident architecture, which are impaled across the globe in the ley lines.[3]
Artificial Tree of Life
An Artificial Tree of Life was cloned into a sub structure in which this Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon tree is used as the main grid architecture for cloning Serres-Egyptian identities from Tara that are connected to the Azurites on Gaia. These red cube cloned identities are used to power up the black magic money debt enslavement structures put in place by the Orion Group, and used by the cabal bankers to manipulate financial markets and maintain global wealth in the hands of their satanic and luciferian bloodlines.
Isis Treaty, Lunar Female Distortions
- The second layer of artificial capstones are in the Galactic Stargate in 7D Saturn attached to inorganic orbit of 11D Chiron, which enthroned Isis and Osiris as Gender Reversal capstones blocking the natural inner male-female integration at the monadic matrix layers. Further this matrix was being governed by Inverted 7D Violet Ray of the Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon entities called Horus-RA, generating the False Feminine pale magenta fields at the crown designed to lock down 1D through 7D by corrupting the elemental layers in the planetary KA body.
As the result of the havoc caused by the Moon, Guardian Host negotiated the Isis Treaty as the short-term solution to get Founder, Starseeds and Indigos with partially operating Christos diamond sun templates incarnated into the timelines, and to find lost spiritual family members and help to prepare for the final conflict of the 2012 timeline. The Isis Treaty was connected to the lunar female lineages of avian Egyptian-Serres modeled from original female staff holders in Taran timelines, which the controlling forces wanted to impregnate for the purpose of breeding programs aimed at genetically experimenting with the Code of The Blue Nile. These were of the highest and most complex Blue Flame Melchizedek genetics of the Emerald Founder’s diamond sun body design, which the NAA wanted for their own purposes of incarnating lunar consciousness and shadow entities onto the planet and in order to have superior genetic forms to gain dominion over the Earth and other territories.[4]
NAA’s Capstones for Anti-Christ Couplings
After the Atlantian Flood, the Thothian Leviathan group generated an extensive inorganic wormhole network that was accessed from ley lines running through Bermuda Triangle, Giza and Iran, that connected into the Artificial Tree of Life phantom areas where they had cloned out the exploded parts of Nibiru and Tiamat. The entire planetary geography of the original Tiamat Logos, along with the Edenic codes held by the White Diamond Goddesses or White Solar Queens, were cloned into the Red Trident anti-hierogamic machinery which functioned as the artificial Galactic Capstones in 4D Mars, 7D Saturn and 10D Pluto Matrix.
The Artificial Galactic Capstones in the Red Trident anti-hierogamic architecture were designed to block out original Capstone Codes in those Ascended Masters who became trapped on the planet, and as a consequence were blank slated and suffered amnesia. Because their capstone codes were not activating properly, they were replaced by artificial machined Galactic Capstones which were implanted and interfered with organic cellular memories which blocked their hierogamic union.
In each of these artificially generated Galactic Capstones being managed by Thothian Leviathan entities, there are unholy alliances of White Queens and Red Kings that were being forcibly merged into gender reversed anti-Christ couplings. These unholy alliances of White Queen and Red King are consummated in satanic rituals by the luciferian bloodlines that utilize the demonic hierarchies with this symbolism, in order to call forth the archetypal forces of anti-Christ couplings and their demonic orders connected to Red Trident. Further, the satanic rituals commonly used with the White Queen and Red King symbolism is during the most important black magic sexual rituals of the luciferian bloodlines, planned on special astrological events or master number dates. This is for the purpose of serving their NAA masters, in order to spread gender reversals, distorted sexual misery types of homosexuality, and generating Baphomet consecrations for transgenders, as the result of using torture or rape methods from childhood to reverse the pain and pleasure reactions in the sexual centers of the human body.
Red Trident AI Capstones
Each dimensional layer of Red Trident has demonic hierarchies that are directly coded into these NAA capstones which are designed to invert, damage or interfere with organic Capstone Codes of authentic Ascended Masters. This is especially coveted by NAA entities to trick, lure and crash an ascended being’s genetic codes and Capstone Codes in order to turn them into vicious Black Magicians, where they become possessed by these same demonic and alien hierarchies connected to the NAA’s Anti-Christ capstones.
Further, this Red Trident network formed into several nodes connecting into the phantom areas of grid damage in the planetary grid network, which are running 10D reversal currents for the anti-hierogamic technologies. Emerald Guardians are working on the Pluto matrix layers connected to the Phantom Tiamat.[5]
Artificial Galactic Capstones
The main technology weapon used to hold up the Dark Alien Mother networks was an artificially generated Galactic Capstone Network holding together several phantom wormholes using the Red Cube cloned version of the Tiamat Logos, along with copies of its entire Edenic coded planetary matrix. The capture and cloning of the Tiamat Logos were utilized to form several phantom wormholes and phantom matrices connecting into the Earth’s 2D stargate and sprawling throughout 4D-7D-10D axiatonal and ley lines. These phantom matrices were being used as the artificial rod and staff architecture (Red Trident) for the Dark Alien Mother gestalts, and by the invading NAA forces primarily controlled by the Thothian Leviathan groups.
- The Artificial Galactic Capstones were anchored in the tri-matrix layers of the Galactic Stargate in 4D Mars attached to Phantom Nibiru, which enthroned Azazael and Black Lilith as Gender Reversal capstones blocking the natural inner male-female integration at the Soul Matrix layers.
- The second layer of artificial capstones are in the Galactic Stargate in 7D Saturn attached to inorganic orbit of 11D Chiron, which enthroned Isis and Osiris as Gender Reversal capstones blocking the natural inner male-female integration at the monadic matrix layers. Further this matrix was being governed by Inverted 7D Violet Ray of the Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon entities called Horus-RA, generating the False Feminine pale magenta fields at the crown designed to lock down 1D through 7D by corrupting the elemental layers in the planetary KA body.
- Lastly, the third layer of artificial capstones are in the Galactic Stargate of 10D Pluto attached to Phantom Tiamat wormholes, which enthroned Consettia and Moloch, as gender reversal capstones blocking the natural inner male-female integration at the Solar Logos layers.[6]
Artificial Ruby Sun DNA Signals
These are Cosmic Father 48D Ruby Order instruction sets for the corrected Red King position within the planetary Ruby Templar Master Shield for the planet, which are systematically collapsing and disintegrating assorted red shield networks, artificial red wave rod and staff, and red cube clones used by Fallen Ruby Order branches for hijacking the Ruby Sun DNA template that was running the false Khem-Khemalohatea. The cloned version of Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea was transmitting Artificial Ruby Sun DNA signals, lunar sound tones and archontic voices throughout the Stonehenge gateways and Grual points (2D-5D-8D-11D) which have been instrumental in enforcing Gender Reversals and transmitting assorted male and female Sexual Misery miasma into the Collective Consciousness of humanity.[7]
Shift from Lunar to Solar Zodiac Imprints
During the month of October [2023], the planet endured the next stage of bifurcation, whereby there was another major event with the Separation of Worlds between the Lunar Matrix distortions of the 3D zodiacal calendar positions and another new formation with corrected Sun-Star Networks aligning the 5D zodiacal calendar positions. The corrected Solar Calendar Positions for the ascending timeline zodiacal alignments have now begun, there is no turning back.
With this year entering the Cosmic Energy Cycle, the higher Solar Rishic consciousness platform access into the Hall of Cosmic Records was merged with the Holy Mountain Rainbow Arc Bridges for the returning Ascended Masters now taking their place and embodying their cosmological positions as the benevolent Solar Christ Red King and White Queen. From this new vantage point returning Solar Rishic Ascended Masters can fully perceive the complexity of the NAA’s Alien Machinery and its monstrosity of time stacked Beast Machine networks manufactured in AI Red Wave for Red Shields. This has led to another stage of volatile confrontations unfolding in the United Kingdom’s 11th Stargate Network for the reseating of the ultimate capstone of the 48D Emerald Order hierogamic quadrata templar for anchoring Red King Arthur and White Queen Guinevere.
Spiritual Warfare has ensued in order to dismantle and evict the NAA-Enki gestalts seated throughout the Red Trident network, focused upon the eviction of 7D Saturnian-Lunar matrix hierarchies of Osiris-Isis and reclaim those particular gates from the red shield networks used by the NAA’s human controllers, that are intrinsic to the return of the Emerald Order. [8]